Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2008 arrow October 2008

Top Quick Senior regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation October 2008

1Tapaszto, Laszlo B (10531381)74NYVEN2306
Volovich, Anatoly (12457229)71NJUSA2306
3Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)78NJUSA2245
4Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)69NJUSA2219
5Saidy, Anthony F (10439949)71CAUSA2210
6Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)65NYUSA2206
7Feuerstein, Arthur William (10055725)72NJUSA2201
8Grant, Douglas M (10099170)65NHUSA2197
9Simms, Gary (10403227)66TXUSA2194
10Curdo, John A (10009201)76MAUSA2192
11Pismennyy, Avraam (12858217)71MARUS2180
12Miller, Peretz (10126142)78FLUSA2145
13Kushner, Howard B (12467592)66NYUSA2137
14Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)65NYUSA2135
Reichstein, Boris (12455549)70MDUSA2135
16Fayvinov, Zakhar (12583831)76PAUSA2125
17Patty, John (12397977)73TNUSA2113
18Sprague, Ross (10261341)67OHUSA2112
19Naranja, Renato C (13024036)67NJPHI2108
20Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)71SCUSA2103
21Hanken, Jerome B (10432766)73CAUSA2100
Kerman, David J (10435421)71CAUSA2100
Zisman, Boris (12541759)67MDUSA2100
24Sussman, Leonard (10113814)65CAUSA2091
25Alsasua, Eleuterio A (10492211)70NVUSA2080
26Moritz, Roger H (12476724)71UTUSA2073
27Ossipov, Victor (12688581)77CAUSA2056
28Sholomson, Stephen L (10433452)67CAUSA2041
29Finegold, Ron (10295858)71MIUSA2038
30Golyak, Isay (12531126)76NYUSA2033
31Tkach, Leonid (12621559)68MAUSA2021
32Gwyn, James E, Sr (10046963)77NJUSA2020
33Rinaldo, John (12807926)70CAUSA2017
34Blumenfeld, Rudy (10102031)73NYUSA2011
35Kalfas, Richard B (10138361)66NYUSA2002
36Kreitner, Ilan (10118492)72NYUSA2000
Brasket, Curt Justin (10322928)75MNUSA2000
38Murphy, Chris J (12567277)69CAUSA1986
39Covington, Charles (10182981)66MDUSA1977
40Zaidi, Syed (12717600)66MDUSA1974
41Wagner, Lawrence F, Jr (10503469)69NYUSA1973
42Sokolovsky, Mark (12643650)74CAUSA1970
43Feldman, Lev E (12659208)70CAUSA1968
44Cohen, Ed (12457085)67CAUSA1963
45Mirijanian, George M (10004471)65MAUSA1962
46Levitan, Alexander (12747794)70CAUSA1949
47Barker, David W (10035961)69CTUSA1946
48Le Bon, Jules (10375967)65LAUSA1941
49Getman, Vladimir S (12679167)68PAUSA1938
50Epp, Edward R, Dr (10019702)79MAUSA1934
51Arluck, William S (10096588)65NYUSA1933
52Schott, Francis H (10052254)82NJUSA1932
53Stevanovic, Miomir (10352371)69ILUSA1924
54Fleysher, Leonid M (12742766)68NJUSA1922
55Baroudi, Ziad A (12538424)70CAUSA1909
56Zats, Yefrem (12700241)79NYUSA1905
57Nugent, Arthur P (10011191)67MAUSA1900
Murphy, Richard (10108560)76NYUSA1900
Hucks, Lewis A (10183626)75MDUSA1900
60Petrison, John, N (12489041)71INUSA1889
61Delgadillo, David F (10457475)65CAUSA1882
62Berry, Gregory F (10343828)65UTUSA1878
Kolkin, Yuri (12621484)77OHUSA1878
Bondar, Leonid (12789353)68ILUSA1878
65Gribble, Gordon Wayne (10029368)67NHUSA1868
66Hunt, W Leigh (10467276)66CAUSA1865
67Vygoder, Joseph (12847309)70RIUSA1863
68Harris, Frederic (10138884)73NYUSA1860
Meigs, Donald J (12362250)69PAUSA1860
70Friedman, Felix (12438372)71PAUSA1859
71Lewis, Richard A (10048656)65NJUSA1856
Vinerts, Vidvuds Henry (12654488)75CAUSA1856
73Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)67NYUSA1853
Yergin, Chandler R (10418691)75AZUSA1853
75Levin, Valentin (12656401)74MAUSA1852
76Meisel, Richard H (10160278)65AZUSA1849
77Gabrilovich, Isaak M (12825413)73OHUSA1842
78Stetson, Robert R (10419336)65AZUSA1833
79Santiago, Reynaldo P (10223652)66MIUSA1831
80Winsor, George W (10555761)65MAUSA1829
Holwell, James F (12418745)72CAUSA1829
82Jaffray, John W (10495920)70CAUSA1828
83Kremenchugskiy, Ilya M (12748149)76VAUSA1824
84Noy, Dmitriy N, Dr (13253086)73MAUSA1821
85Austin, John D (10165440)72GAUSA1815
Mac Manus, James P (10898463)67LAUSA1815
87Katz, Harry S (12052860)85NJUSA1812
88Fisher, Craig W (10124743)65NYUSA1809
Falconer, Neil E (10484006)85CAUSA1809
90Mayers, Dan E (10524822)85IDUSA1804
91Beilin, Solomon,I (12327780)73CAUSA1801
92Benesa, Arnulfo (12520341)69ILUSA1800
93Bershad, Neil J (10466491)70CAUSA1799
94Patteson, B L (10393957)70TXUSA1797
95Chromik, Joseph V (10147476)73PAUSA1794
96Galima, Tim C (12706608)67NVUSA1788
97Schmauch, Bruce C (10153883)65PAUSA1783
98Dyba, Paul R (12514395)65TXUSA1777
99Brudno, Stephen (10017734)65MAUSA1776
Tomaino, Paul B (10148065)77FLUSA1776
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
